Fionn Bheinn
3rd January 2025
I headed onto Fionn Bheinn today mainly to see what last nights strong winds had done to the snowpack. As expected there was a good amount of scouring and redistribution onto sheltered Easterly aspects although stability in these locations was slightly better than I expected.
It was another cold and cloudy day with a few snow showers.

This was as sunny as it got today.

Looking towards Fionn Bheinn from a wind scoured Creagan nan Laogh.

Sastrugi pictured here is evidence of wind erosion of yesterdays snow.

The snow blown from the previous 2 photos was mostly deposited here on the sheltered East side of Creagan nan Laogh.

Red dear on Fionn Bhenn. This was part of a herd of around 50.

Mountain hare tracks.
A couple of roadside shots of other mountains below.


The Eastern end of Beinn Eighe. Some snow loss from thawing at lower elevations and redistribution of lying snow in the strong winds last night.
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3rd January 2025 9:29 pm
Too many deer for the ground
4th January 2025 5:41 pm
Hi Gregor. The deer are herding at lower elevations at the moment and scratching around through the snow for food. I also witnessed a herd of deer run across in front of me today in the Fannaichs. But yes, it is widely acknowledged that there are too many deer in the Highlands.