Good views

14th February 2024

It was a dry day with light winds and good chance to look at the snow distribution on the Torridon mountains. The recent windslab has started to consolidate and will do further tomorrow but there will be a period of reduced stability during rain in the latter part of the night, with conditions then becoming more stable as the day goes on.

Plenty of photos below to show conditions.

Sgorr Ruadh


Fuar Tholl, todays destination.


Mainreachan Buttress, Fuar Tholl.


Rime on Fuar Tholl summit cairn.


The long ridge of Beinn Liath Mor.


Reflections in Loch Coire Lair.


The lower summit of Fuar Tholl (centre) with An Ruadh-stac behind and Maol Chean-dearg to it’s right. Beinn Bhan in the distance (centre) and the Skye Cuillin in the far distance (left).




Beinn Alligin


The Eastern end of Beinn Eighe.

Comments on this post

  • roger clare
    14th February 2024 6:06 pm

    Great photos. Looks like it was a cracking day in the west. Pretty dreich in the east!

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