A wild weather day.

14th January 2020

Apologies if you are looking for fine photos, one could hardly stand up today at 600 metres far less keep the camera lens dry. Fleetingly the skies had hints of occasional brightness. Perhaps there was a bit less snow than I expected this morning but the heavier showers were forecast for later in the day and snow showers did get heavier on the hill by ten o’clock. The hills are windswept as storm Brendan has pushed further north. If you’ve seen a weather map, the isobars are close together showing continuing very strong winds. There are heavier snow showers now on the hill but they are moderating off a bit tomorrow.

At lower levels there was not as much snow as I expected this morning.

Liathach and the other summits were out of sight by mid morning.

The Red Deer were down by the roadside.

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