Calum of the Glen
12th December 2020
The Scottish Avalanche Information Service would recommend that those wishing to enjoy the winter mountains refer to Mountaineering Scotland and Scottish Government advice regarding Covid-19 and outdoor activities.
Persistent rain and cloud in the morning eased into a pleasant afternoon with some bright spells. No fresh snow was spotted on the Torridon summits today. More snow remains on the more inland mountains of our area. With +8C in the Glen, the limited snow cover is thawing at all altitudes. Other news; lovely to see that our friendly Red deer stag, Calum, Â is alive and kicking!

Liathach clearing by midday.

Torridon village is dwarfed by Mullach an Rathain at the west end of Liathach. MaR is one of our mountain summits for which we receive daily met data used in our forecasts.

The east end of Beinn Eighe early this afternoon.

Calum of the Glen, the biggest tourist attraction in Glen Torridon, sponsored by The Torridon Stores café tattie peelings…! His new hind and calf were close by.

Beinn Alligin. There is even less snow on the mountains along the coastal fringes.
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