Showers and Bright Spells

1st January 2024

A Happy New Year to you all from the Torridon forecast team!

If you managed a day out today after last night’s celebrations, there were good sharp views, but summit cloud obscured the higher tops at times, particularly during showers. The scattered light showers eased through the afternoon, and fell as snow on the highest peaks. It remained cold in the Southerly wind.

(Above) The north top of Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich. A light dusting of fresh snow compared to yesterday, mostly lying in NW to NE aspects above 700m.

(Above) Summit cloud on Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich, Meall a’ Chrasgaidh and Sgurr nan Clach Geala. Little snow remains below 500m and it was thawing below 700m today.

(Above) Similar conditions on Toman Coinneach and A’ Chaileach. Greatest accumulations of snow remain on SW through W to N aspects above 650m.

(Above) A shower about to obscure Beinn a’Chlaidheimh.

(Above) The lower slopes and E coires of An Teallach.

(Above) Looking NE onto the Beinn Dearg mountains. There were fewer showers and less cloud further N and E.

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