The Thaw Continues

21st March 2023

After a wet start to the day, it broke into scattered rain showers and sunny spells by late morning. Feeling quite tropical in my winter garb! 12C in Ullapool this afternoon. There has been a further depletion of the current limited and patchy snow cover. Expect a brief return to winter tomorrow, with some summit snow and strong, gusty S winds.(Above 2 Photos) Rain at all levels clearing from the north top of Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich (800m) during the course of the morning. There has been a rapid thaw of the recent new snow fall.

(Above) Slivers and patches on Toman Coinnich and A’Chailleach of the Fannaichs. Lowest significant snow sliver lies in the region of 650m. altitude.(Above) A passing rain shower on Meall a’Chrasgaidh.

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