The quiet side of Torridon

27th March 2023

For those individuals who were fortunate enjoy to enjoy the hills today, they were rewarded with some amazing sights.  The photos give a fairly good picture of where the snow is, and where the snow isn’t.  I don’t expect tomorrow to be very inspiring from a photographic point of view …

Above: Liathach with Loch Clair in the foreground.

Above: Beinn Alligin. Sgurr Mòr (986m) & Tom na Gruagaich (922m).

Above: Baosbheinn.

Above: Beinn an Eòin, 855m (L), Beinn a’Chearcaill 725m (C) and Meall a’Ghiuthis, 887m (R).

Above: A random Lochan at 500m. Ice was weight bearing for (all I can presume) a fox.

Above: Western end of Liathach – Mullach an Rathain (1023m) most prominent.

Above: Just like the ticks, the famous Torridonian Boulderers are coming out of hibernation.

Comments on this post

  • Winky O’Neale
    28th March 2023 8:55 am

    Not sure the ticks do much hibernating nowadays!

    • torridonadmin
      28th March 2023 2:37 pm

      Neither do the Torridonian Boulderers!

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