Winter solstice
21st December 2022
A combination of the winter solstice, thick cloud, and frequent showers made for a fairly dark day. Highlights of the day were some fresh snow on the summits, a glimpse of the sun, and a couple of not too shy Ptarmigan.

The only glimpse of the sun that I got today. This was taken around 10:30, but even at midday the sun only gets around 9 degrees above the horizon at this time of year in Torridon.


Liathach. The summit stayed in the cloud all day.

The North side of Sgurr Dubh.

Rivers are still high. Although there was some fresh snow at summit level today, thawing at lower elevations would have resulted in a net loss of snow.
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Allan Crawford
22nd December 2022 8:25 am
Over on Skye we had the numerous heavy showers you mentioned making for a proper wet Skye day, must have been a testing wet day out on the hill. It was bad enough trying to delivery the post, thanks for the report.