St Matthias day and old weather sayings!

24th February 2018

These old weather saying may seem a bit quaint in our modern age of weather forecasting where we have satellites, robotic ocean buoys, super computers and last but far from least our wonderful met office team in Aberdeen who furnish SAIS with our weather forecasts. But old weather lore was often based on observations over many years by people who lived close to the land and depended on local crops. Perhaps the old sayings still have some relevance today. In the “good old days” farmers would say “if it freezes on St Matthias’s day it will freeze for a month”. It will be interesting to see if this comes true as raw Siberian winds are now covering the UK.

Folks on the hill today making their way to Spidean nan Clach.

Outstanding views of Wester Ross with Liathach in the foreground.

We have pretty good snow cover up here! The rock is dry but there is ice around.

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