Pleasant Enough

1st February 2017

Due to the recent relatively mild and ‘moist’ weather, very little remains of the latest snowfalls of last weekend. We have more or less returned to the previous old and very patchy snowpack. The hills of the North West Highlands are mostly bare of snow. But the walking conditions are good!

Clear, and early morning sunlight on Liathach and Beinn Eighe.

Cloud soon spilled in from the south.

Summit mist hugging the northern coires on Sgurr Ban and Sgurr nan Fhir Duibhe, Beinn Eighe.

Perfect conditions for a Brocken Spectre on the east ridge of Stuc Coire an Laoigh, Beinn Eighe.

Cloud cap on Liathach. Clear summits on Beinn Alligin in the background.

Chronic footpath erosion descending from the main ridge on Beinn Eighe into Coire an Laoigh. The conditions this winter of freeze thaw cycles, heavy rainfall at times and little snow accumulation have exacerbated the erosion – not to mention thoughtless route choice by hillgoers!

The improved footpath from Glen Torridon into Coire an Laoigh ends here (centre left) at 480 metres! From there on, it’s an eroded ‘free for all’ right up to the west summit of Spidean Coire nan Clach, 972 metres. We need some upgrading and maintenance now SNH!

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