A ‘Warm’ Welcome

16th December 2016

Yes, literally, a warm welcome to SAIS Torridon blog for the 2016/17 season. We hope you all had a great summer and are looking forward to the winter! After two days of observations in the North West mountains, we have to report that there is not a drop of snow anywhere, not even high up in the northern corries of Liathatch. And I’m afraid it’s remaining mild into next week. Of course, winter will return later.

A snowless Beinn Eighe above Kinlochewe

Beinn Eighe and Liathach from Glen Torridon.

Liathach in ‘summer’ conditions.

The main Fannich mountains.

The south western Fannichs

Just a little tease! What it was like last month in the North West –

The coastal hills of Cul Mor and Cul Beag.


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