Absence of Evidence does not mean Evidence of Absence

17th January 2025

Torridon update: The mild South-Westerly airflow continues, accompanied by low cloud and light rain. Only a few small fragments of snow remain on steep and very high East facing aspects.

Tomorrow the forecast is for the winds and warm temperatures to continue with cloud, but generally a bit drier than today. Going into Sunday the temperatures do drop slightly, with more precipitation. However, this forecast temperature drop is not enough to give any lying snow on the tops, as freezing level will stay around 1200 metres.

Avalanche reports will remain on hold until conditions change.

As the title of the blog suggests, today I went in search snow, or rather I searched for the lack of it! Sure enough, on a fairly high (770 metres), very steep South-East aspect, there was none to be found. I’m fairly sure this same ground a week ago will have had a substantial covering to a significant depth.

Extremely poor visibility on the Bealach na Ba road.

Extremely poor visibility on the Bealach na Ba road.


5.7 degrees C at 770metres today... Warm !

5.7 degrees C at 770metres today… Warm !


A Very steep South-East aspect at 760 metres, no snow to be seen.

A Very steep South-East aspect at 760 metres, no snow to be seen.


Looking down a classic snow trap. A steep re-entrant feature with a South-East aspect at 760 metres. No evidence here.

Looking down a classic snow trap. A steep re-entrant feature with a South-East aspect at 760 metres. No evidence here.


Liathach from across Loch Torridon.

Liathach from across Loch Torridon.


Some indication of possible temperatures over the coming ten days. Slightly colder into next week. Possibility for then colder temperatures the weekend after. But, it's just a forecast!

Some indication of possible temperatures over the coming ten days. Slightly colder into next week. Possibility for then colder temperatures the weekend after. But, it’s just a forecast!

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