Above the clouds

16th February 2024

Damp and grey conditions at Glen level this morning. Heading high up paid off as from about 600 metres I was above the valley clouds. There was some higher cloud as well but I was rewarded for my efforts with some spectacular views of the Torridon area.

Mild conditions continue through the weekend. After a dry morning tomorrow some rain will develop in the afternoon. Sunday also looking mild. The snowpack will continue to thaw and diminish. Greatest amounts remain in gullies and around coire rims on North through East to South East aspects above 750 metres. Increasingly patchy elsewhere.

Photos show the remaining snow cover on Beinn Eighe and the surround hills.

Mullach Coire Mhic Fhearchair appearing above the valley cloud on the walk up this morning


Fionn Bheinn


Peaks of Beinn Eighe, from Left to Right, Sgurr Ban, Spidean Coire nan Clach, Coinneach Mor with triple Butress visible, Ruadh Stac Mor and Ruadh Stac Beag in the foreground.


A closer look at the top of Triple Buttress, Beinn Eighe


Ridge to Sgurr nan Fhir Duibhe from Creag Dhubh, Beinn Eighe. Avalanche debris visible on the SE aspect, most likely caused by cornice collapse during warming and rain  on night of 14th Feb, very early morning on 15th Feb.


East aspects of Creag Dhubh, Beinn Eighe.


Meall Ghiuthais (887m) with only patchy snow cover remaining.

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