
14th January 2024

Fresh snow fell to increasing lower levels throughout the day in Torridon. More snow fell closer to the coast with slightly less fresh snow further inland. I went in towards Muallach an Rathain on Liathach. Lots of fresh snow on the path here and in many of the hollows. The wind was also very variable in the coire from one direction one minute and another the next. A greater build up of new snow, in particular windslab, will be present in other parts of the Torridon area especially where where there is existing snow cover.  More details in the report  Differing snow cover can also be seen in the pictures below.

Cold weather forecast to continue with further snowfall to low levels over the next few days.


Liathach first thing this morning


Looking towards Mullach an Rathain, Liathach on the walk in this morning. More snow fell through the day. No visibility to get an updated photo on the return.


Spindrift at around 900 metres on Liathach today. This indicates windslab will be developing in wind sheltered areas.


Looking across Glen Torridon. From left to right, Beinn Liath Beag, Beinn Liath Mhor, Sgurr Ruadh, Mail Chean Dearg and Beinn na-h-Eaglaise.


Coire an Laoigh, Spidean Coire na CLach, Beinn Eighe.


Creag Dhubh Beinn Eighe

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