Frosty and Cloudy in the Fannaichs

10th January 2024

A change to cloudier weather compared to yesterday, but little change in the snowpack. With a generally Easterly airflow, there is more cloud inland, particularly over the summits of the northern Fannaichs. It remains cold and frosty in the glens, but warmer on the hills as a temperature inversion has an effect.

(Above) Looking into the northern Fannaichs from the north. Cloud obscuring the summits around Sgurr Mor.

(Above) The main snowline remains around 750m but a ground frost below this elevation gives the impression of a light snow cover. The ground is frozen at all levels and water ice has replaced wet and boggy ground!

(Above) Thick cloud looking east over Loch Droma and Loch Glascarnoch towards a cloudy Ben Wyvis. Cloud base is around 700 – 750m.

(Above) A bit less cloud looking west towards An Teallach and Beinn a’ Chlaidheimh.

(Above) An Teallach and less cloud earlier in the morning.

(Above) Clear summits earlier in the morning and an obvious hard frost in the glen. Yesterday’s ‘observation’ summit of Toman Coinneach is the lesser peak in the middle with Sgurr Breac on the left and A’ Chailleach on the right.


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