As Cunning as a Fox!

16th January 2024

It was a day of flat light, low cloud and persistent light snowfall. There are significant accumulations of new snow at all levels, but less so on windward aspects at higher elevations. Unstable windslab continues to build in steep wind sheltered locations. Weather forecast for tomorrow is more persistent snow with fresh to strong winds. There is a considerable avalanche hazard for tomorrow for the Torridon area – check the report for details.

I thought I’d be cunning and use my bike today – yes really! Wrong. But I had a stroke of luck on the way up the hill. There were fox tracks that I followed thinking that a cunning fox would choose the best line. Right!

(Above) Schoolboy error…..

(Above) As good as it got looking up Glen Braebaig in the Fannaichs, with Sgurr nan Clach Geala on the left and Sgurr Breac on the right – honest!

(Above) Looking NW with another band of snow arriving behind Meall an t-Sithe.

(Above) Fantastic Mr Fox – tracks.

(Above) Deep drifts forming at 600m.

(Above) Snow cover on Druim Reidh with the vague outline of Sgurr Breac on the far left and the summit of Toman Coinneach on the right.

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