Intense Wintry Showers
9th February 2018
A cold day with snow down to lower levels in the heavy but scattered wintry showers. Some bright and sunny intervals between the showers. Much snow transportation in the stronger, generally Westerly winds during the showers. Unstable windslab continues to build in lee aspects, mostly above 650 metres.
A bright spell between the showers over the main Fannaich mountains. Good snow cover at higher elevations.
Some snow re-distribution onto lee aspects between showers in the fresh Westerly wind. Cornices continue to build above steep lee slopes.
Baton the hatches! The next heavy shower on its way, leaving snow lying near sea level, but quickly melting up to around 200 metres once the showers pass.
Poor visibility in the squally showers. Compass out for this one!
The Red Deer are fed during the winter by some estates. This attracts the deer down the hill and close to main roads (the A835 in this photo) where they are a real hazard to road users, particularly at night – not to mention life threatening for the deer themselves!
Comments on this post
9th February 2018 9:26 pm
yes Get rid of the estate owners…no more deer problem!
10th February 2018 6:51 am
Of course , the deer wouldnât come down to far less exposed ground in harsh weather if you got rid of the estate owners