Another Sunny Day
1st March 2020
It was another sunny day in Torridon. There were some dark and threatening looking clouds to the South, but so far it has started dry and generally clear. There is some soft snow blowing around at higher levels. In general these deposits are quite shallow, but in locations where they do gain some depth are quite poorly bonded.
The hills to the South of Glen Torridon catching the morning light.
Avalanche debris at around 600 metres on a North Easterly aspect. This looked a few days old and partially covered by fresh snow.
Meall a’ Ghiubhais
Relatively fresh avalanche debris, again on a North East aspect at around 620 metres. I am unsure when this came down, but it was quite soft so it must have been after the mild spell on Friday night.
The view up a steep North Easterly aspect. There is a bit of fresh snow about, but in general it is quite shallow. The old firm and slightly darker coloured snow can be seen poking through in many locations (such in the foreground of the picture). Up by the crags at the top right of the slope does the fresh snow looks deeper.
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