Beinn Eighe

7th March 2024

Glorious weather for the North-West again today, with moderate South-Easterly winds at summit level. The photos below give a good overview of where remains in Torridon, which is mainly on North to East aspects above 850 metres, primarily around coire rims and in gully lines. Although, any snow in gully lines is generally thin and broken in places. Today the snow was softening on sun exposed aspects and remained firm in the shade.

The freezing level is dropping overnight and will be around 600 metres tomorrow and the remaining snow will be firm.

From Creag Dubh (907m) looking South-West to the unnamed summit of 929m and Sgùrr nan Fhir Duibhe (963m) on the left-hand side of the photo.


Sgùrr Bàn (970m) is the summit in centre of the photograph.


The North-East face of Sgùrr Bàn in the shade on the left and Raudh-stac Mór (1010m) on the right, the highest point on Beinn Eighe.


The mountain in the centre of the photo is Spidean a’Choire Léith (1035m) on Liathach.


Looking down the gully which faces North between Sgùrr Bàn and Sgùrr nan Fhir Duibhe towards Loch an Tuill Bhàin. This gives a good indication of the snow that remains in the gullies – thin! Meall a’ Ghiuthais (887m) in the background.


Looking North-West from Sgùrr nan Fhir Duibhe towards Creag Dubh (907m) at the Far East end of Beinn Eighe. Beyond is Slioch, Fisherfield Hills and An Teallach.

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