Windy, Showers and Rainbows

24th January 2024

A mild and windy day today, with frequent showers, persistent and heavy at times in the morning. The showers were mainly of rain, but falling as sleet on the highest summits. No evidence of new snow by midday. The wet snowpack is thawing and generally well consolidated and stable, patchy below 700m. Most snow remains in high coires, ridge flanks and some summit slopes, mainly NE to SE aspects. Any remaining cornices are small and relatively well consolidated.

(Above 2 photos) Views of the main Fannaich mountains before a more organised band of rain arrived and cloud descended on the summits. The snowpack continues to thaw at all elevations.

(Above) There were brief sunny spells between some of the showers.

(Above) Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich (954m) and its North Top (830m) on the right. The dark bare ground indicates that it is thawing up to summit levels.

(Above) Snow creep and glide cracks are more indicators of thawing conditions.

(Above) Looking across to the summits of Meall Gorm (949m.) on the right and An Coileachan (923m.) in the south-eastern Fannaichs. Bare summits, but good snow cover along NE facing coire rims and summit ridge flanks.

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