Blue sky day

8th January 2024

An overnight hard frost in the glens was slow to clear, but heralded a beautiful bright clear day with light winds.

There is a thin cover of recent snow above around 750m. The surface of the old snowpack, which lies mainly above 800m, is frozen hard and icy, and there are icy patches on paths. Little change is expected tomorrow.

(Above) Beinn Eighe: Sgurr nan Fhir Duibhe, Coire Domhain and Creag Dhubh.

(Above) Looking across to Coulin area, with Loch Clair below mist.

(Above) Beinn Eighe: Coire an Laoigh.

(Above) Beinn Eighe: Stuc Coire an Laoigh and Coire an Laoigh.

(Above) Liathach

(Above) Beinn Alligin.

(Above) Liathach (Mullach an Rathain) SW slopes.

(Above) Beinn Eighe: southern slopes.



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