A Winter Wonderland

18th January 2024

Further snowfall overnight and throughout the day has produced deep lying and fresh snow making progress difficult, even with snowshoes! Strong summit winds. particularly during snow showers, has led to significant drifting, with continued development of unstable windslab, mainly above 700m in steep wind sheltered locations. More of the same tomorrow, but stronger winds in general.

(Above) A snowy landscape at lower levels (300m) looking to Meall an-t-Sithe. I didn’t get too far in the deep snow!

(Above 2 photos) The Fannaichs. After the shower, much drifting of snow visible blowing to low levels.

(Above) Looking SW into the Great Wilderness.

(Above) The Beinn Dearg range.

(Above) Sunny spells between showers this morning. Good timing to be able to dig in the van roadside on the A832, Braemore – Dundonnell road.




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