Happy Christmas

25th December 2023

It can be officially classed as a ‘White Christmas’ here in Torridon today.  A dusting of fresh snow had fallen over night to give a hint of Christmas cheer to the mountains.  Clear visibility during the morning gave the promise of summit ridge photos for the blog, but unfortunately it clouded over by late morning.  On the plus side, this did bring in more showers which were lying as snow down to around 600m.  The fresh snow is quite sticky/damp with most of it lying on bare/wet ground.  There will be some wind distribution and further light snow fall during the next 24 hours, with isolated pockets of wind slab developing on East through South to West aspects on the higher ground.

For those planning on burning off some of the Christmas Day excesses, here are some photos of the mountain conditions.

Liathach below.

Below: Looking up towards Stuc Coire an Laoigh on the South side of Beinn Eighe. Snow lying to around 600m.

Below: Looking East along the ridge of Beinn Eighe towards Sgurr Ban.

Below: Looking across into Coire an Laoigh.  Note the old snow patches – these were firm/icy.

Below: Summit of Stuc Coire an Laoigh 866m.

And finally, my only company on the hill today were a couple of Ptarmigan and a flock of snow buntings 🙂

Merry Christmas everybody 🙂

Comments on this post

  • Winky O’Neale
    25th December 2023 4:52 pm

    Couldn’t think of nicer companions on the hill, Snow bunting and Ptarmigan on Christmas day! Have a great season.

    • torridonadmin
      27th December 2023 6:29 pm

      Thanks Winky and you

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