A Mild Start

14th December 2023

Most summits are bare of snow, particularly on the coastal mountains. 9 degrees C observed in Glen Torridon this afternoon. Some small patches and slivers of old wet snow noted, mainly on the high summits in the more inland Fannaich mountains. Unfortunately, it will remain mild and generally wet over the weekend with summit gales developing.

Highlights of the Day:

Apart from the wonderful Torridon landscapes and occasional shafts of sun highlighting some lower slopes and summits, a Sea Eagle flew overhead near Ben Shieldaig above the bay of Ob Mheallaidh. And of course, the coffee and cake in Torridon Stores cafe…!

Below are some general views of the Torridon mountains today.

(Above) The more inland east end of the Beinn Eighe ridge between Sgurr nan Fhir Duibhe on the left and Creag Dubh on the right. If you look closely, you will notice the occasional sliver of old wet snow lingering along the ridge flank.

(Above) Beinn Eighe. No snow visible from Sgurr nan Fhir Duibhe on the left and Coire an Laoigh on the left.

(Above) Liathach from Glen Torridon.

(Above) Looking across Upper Loch Torridon to the snowless and dark flanks of Beinn Alligin.

(Above) Beinn Bhan (896m) of the Applecross hills.

Afternoon tiffin! The best thing to do when the weather is poor.

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