Not so good for photos today

28th February 2023

The weather continues settled and cold with light winds. However the clouds came in and remained stubbornly low meaning photo opportunities were more limited today. The cloud only really cleared as I got close to the road on the descent. Todays point for observations was Beinn a’ Chearcaill, a 725m hill accessed from Loch Maree, which is a good view point for some of the larger hills in the Torridon area when you have the visibility. Unfortunately visibility wasn’t so good today. Hills of this height are now generally snow free, only a few patches of water ice to look out for.

The best view from the summit today, this is Beinn an Eoin, a Corbett also accessed from Loch Maree.

Not long after I had started descending the cloud lifted enough for me to get this view towards the North side of Beinn Eighe. Sail Mor is the peak on the right, triple buttress remains hidden further left.

The North side of Beinn Eighe, Ruadh Stac Mor in the background on the left. The cloud base remaining stubbornly around 700 metres. No snow below this height.

Looking across Loch Maree to Slioch

The summit of Beinn a’Chearcaill, a sandstone slab covered in small boulders.


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