Frost Covered Mountains

22nd December 2021

From a distance, the mountains looked covered in a dusting of fresh snow. However, freezing air below inversion level and relatively calm conditions, contributed to the formation of surface hoar. The little snow that remains is very patchy, frozen and stable throughout. Icy paths and hard frozen ground were encountered today.

(Above) The northern Fannaich mountains of Sgurr Mor on the left, Carn na Criche middle and Meall a’ Chrasgaidh on the right, with very limited snow cover. Gossamer thin cloud flooded over the lower hills (around 500 to 650m elevation) as dense cold air, slowly moving on a light SE wind, was pushed up and condensed over ridges and summits.

(Above) The North to East aspects of Sgurr Mor (1110m.).

(Above) Feathery surface hoar crystals that have formed on a cushion of moss.

(Above) The southerly aspects of the Beinn Dearg (1084m.) mountains.

(Above) Even less snow remains on An Teallach, likely due to its proximity to the coast during the last thaw conditions we experienced.

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