A Winter Wonderland

2nd January 2021

Covid -19

The Scottish Avalanche Information Service issues information to support permitted activity under current Scottish Government guidance.  Please be aware of travel restrictions within Scotland and respect local communities by referring to Scottish Government guidance and how to participate safely by referring to Mountaineering Scotland guidance.

Good snow cover at all elevations and aspects in the Fannaichs. Difficult walking conditions through deep snow except where exposed to the Northerly wind. Areas of moderately bonded windslab persists in sheltered locations, mainly above 700m on NE through SE to SW aspects.

(Above) Snowshoes were very welcome in shin to knee deep snow at 450m. Cloud clung to the summits of the main Fannaich mountains through the day

(Above) It was marginally clearer to the south in the Torridon mountains. Creag Dhubh of Beinn Eighe on the right and the Achnashellach hills in the sun on the left. Groban (749m) in the fore.

(Above) True to form, the cloud descended on this 600m summit just as I arrived…! Rime is building on the exposed North aspect (right side) of the cairn.

(Above) However, It cleared as I was leaving. Full snow cover on Beinn a’ Chlaidheimh, Beinn Dearg Mor on the left and An Teallach on the right.

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