Cold, Windy, Cloudy and Snowy

30th January 2015

It was difficult to see much above 800m, but plenty drifting of snow lower down in the strong Northerly winds. There was also significant snowfall down to around 300m with sleet and rain below this height. Cornices were forming above snow drifts in stream beds. This is the most snow we have seen in Torridon so far this year.

Snow lying down to the road and arduous walking into the coire.

Snow lying down to the road and arduous walking into the coire. Spot the two walkers.


Significant drifting in the coire but exposed ridges remain clear.

Significant drifting in the coire but exposed ridges remain clear.

Snowpack observations revealed weaknesses in the newly formed windslab.

Snowpack observations revealed weaknesses in the newly formed windslab.

The snowfall intensified in the afternoon.

The snowfall intensified in the afternoon.


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