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20th December 2018

A very light dusting of overnight snow above 750m soon thawed as the freezing level rose during the day. Otherwise, very limited areas snow remain, mainly isolated patches around the tops which will be wet at lower elevations and frozen at summit level. A bit more old snow was observed on the more inland mountains for example, on the Fannaichs.

There is more ‘snow’ on the inside of my fridge freezer than on the summit of Creag Dhubh, Beinn Eighe!

A gloomy looking Liathach (left) and Coire an Laoigh/Sgurr Ban of Beinn Eighe (right) ‘sans neige’!

I tried to get this stag to pose like the one in the photo behind – but he was charging too much. Anyway, he looks too scabby….

The northern coires of Liathach. Some slivers of ice starting to re-form in Coireag Dubh Mor (central coire). Hmm.

Spot the snow? Looking west down Coire Mhic Nobuil onto Beinn Alligin centre and Beinn Dearg on the right.


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