Warming Up

20th January 2016

One of those high pressure mild and cloudy days. Gone are the cold crisp sunny views. The snow cover remains good above about 600 metres, but rocks turning black at higher levels. Ice continuing to form in the usual places.

Beinn Bhan, Applecross looking quite wintry. But not for much longer!

Beinn Bhan, Applecross looking quite wintry. But not for much longer!

Beinn Alligin and west end of Liathach

Beinn Alligin and west end of Liathach above Loch Torridon

The famous mountaineer pleased to reach his summit of Sgurr a Chaorachain.

The famous mountaineer pleased to reach his summit of a snowy Sgurr a Chaorachain.

Fasarinen Pinnacles, south side of Liathach. Ice forming on Pyramid Buttress on the right.

Fasarinen Pinnacles, south side of Liathach. Ice forming on Pyramid Buttress on the right.


Comments on this post

  • Tom R
    20th January 2016 10:00 pm

    Photo #3 confuses me. All I see is a mountaineer with a bad knee. Is the famous mountaineer somewhere just out of the photo? Some explunashun pleeze.

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